Yn4-h series marine button box


Yn4-h series marine button box is applicable to all kinds of ships. In cooperation with corresponding equipment and motor control box, it can remotely control the start, stop and operation of motors in different places.

● applicable environment

Ambient temperature: -25 ℃ - 45 ℃

Tilt and swing: ± 22.5 degrees

Impact, vibration, salt fog, mold and humid air on the sea caused by the normal operation of the ship.

Electric system of button box: 220V and below

Rated working current: 5A

The protection grade of the button box is IP56, and the shell is steel, stainless steel, aluminum alloy, plastic, etc.

The button box can be equipped with indicator light, stop button, emergency stop button, change-over switch, etc., and can be configured with one or more positions